We're reading your poems!
Our judges are selecting the winners of
more than $3,400 in prizes!
Poets who entered our 2023-2024 Annual Contests
Can win a category and get recognized at an awards ceremony
Have a chance to get feedback on their poems from judges
Are enjoying a PSV one-year membership
Are eligible for publication in PSV's 2024 annual anthology
About Our Annual Contests
PSV sponsors Annual Contests that showcase poems in many different poetic forms and diverse voices.
Poets from across the country and at all stages of their careers enter PSV contests and challenge themselves to submit work that addresses a category subject.
We recognize writing competitions as a powerful way to motivate poets to keep writing. Competitions and deadlines have a way of connecting writers to:
their own unique voices
emotions in themselves and others
writing goals
world events and causes
personal narratives and family histories
literary communities
iconic personas
poetry craft
the diverse voices of other poets
aesthetics (their own ideas about beauty)
Students who enter our contests are exposed to other perspectives, gain confidence in their abilities to express themselves, and, through our contest awards ceremonies, improve their skills in presentation and public speaking.
2023-2034 Entry Fees
Annual contests are free for students. Current PSV members pay no entry fee.
For non-PSV adults, the fee is the cost of membership.
Payment online for non-members of PSV occurs during the submission process. Contest participants can join PSV for $40 when they enter contests.
Poets who decide not to join PSV but still want to enter contests pay a separate fee for each category entered -- $6 per poem.
There is a $3 charge for paying through Submittable ($43 total).
Electronic entries only.
Enter as many categories as you wish, but only one poem per category.
To submit an entry, you must create an account in Submittable. Search for Poetry Society of Virginia and navigate to the current contest.
All entries must be in English, typed, unpublished, original, and not scheduled for publication before May 2024.
All poems are presented anonymously to judges. Submit one copy of each poem with no identifying information.
Type the entry category in the upper right-hand-side and note whether you are a member of PSV (does not matter if you are a current member, lifetime member, or just joined for the contest).
Participants cannot enter the same poem in different categories.
1st and 2nd place winners from the previous contest year should not submit to the categories in which they last won.
All entries not in compliance with category specifications and general instructions will be disqualified.